EZ Qanoon



EZQanoon revolutionizes how people interact with legal information by offering an advanced AI chatbot that simplifies legal processes. Our platform provides users with instant, clear answers to legal questions, guides them through complex legal documents, and delivers personalized advice based on individual needs. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, EZQanoon democratizes access to legal information, enabling users to address their legal concerns confidently and make informed decisions without incurring the high costs of traditional consultations.
Understanding legal terms and processes often required expensive consultations with attorneys, which many people could not afford.
Legal documents were hard to interpret, leading to confusion and potential errors.
Many individuals struggled with limited access to accurate legal information, leaving them unsure about their rights and obligations.
The lack of clarity and accessibility created obstacles for effectively resolving legal issues.

How ItWorks

EZQanoon’s AI chatbot transforms the legal experience by:
Providing users with quick and clear responses to legal queries.
Assisting users in understanding and navigating complex legal documents.
Offering tailored advice based on individual circumstances
Streamlining the process so that users can obtain legal information and guidance in a much shorter time frame compared to traditional methods.



 For backend development and AI integration.


To build and manage high-performance web applications.


For creating a dynamic and user-friendly interface.


Llama 3

Utilized for its advanced language processing capabilities.

Fine-Tuned Llama 3

Customized to improve accuracy and relevance in legal contexts.


For scalable and reliable cloud infrastructure.

EZQanoon is committed to making legal information more accessible and manageable, ensuring that everyone can confidently address their legal concerns with ease.


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